Mixed Lettuce Leaves Seeds


SKU: 700041 Category:


Growing your own lettuce is so simple, and this mix of quality seeds gives fast results – either sown in the ground or in containers. It's an easy and environmentally friendly way of ensuring a constant supply of fresh, tasty salad leaves all through the summer – much cheaper and less wasteful than expensive bagged lettuce you buy in the supermarket.
This superb mixed lettuce selection will produce a variety of different shapes, colours and textures throughout the season. The packet includes equal seed quantities of: Catalogna, Cocarde, Curled Red American, Grand Rapids, Red salad bowl, Rossa di Trento. Varieties grow at different rates, giving a different salad mix at every cut.
Succulent and as fresh as you can get directly from your garden, these salad leaves are a good source of minerals and vitamins A and C; their flavour and goodness easily outclass shop-bought lettuce.
Sow outdoors from May to August, where they are to crop, in fertile, moisture-retentive soil in a sunny or semi-shaded position. Harvest from April to October, picking a few leaves from each plant; this will stimulate further growth of new, young leaves and allow you to keep cutting up to 4 times. Or pull the lettuces whole once they have reached full maturity.
Supplied as a packet of 775 (approx.) seeds ready to sow outdoors in their cropping position. Grows to 30cm by 30cm.


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