Finding year round foliage colour for mixed planters, especially for Autumn and Winter colour is a significant challenge – but variegated Ivies are the perfect foil to many plants.Their thuggish green relatives may take over the garden if left unchecked, but these are far better behaved with a tidy habit.. Not only do Ivies bring all round interest to the garden but are are haven for wildlife, providing shelter for friendly insects and a nesting site for birds.
Hedera Goldheart 3 lobed mid green leaves with stikingly attractive yellow markings. Happy in most moist soils it climbs without support, clinging to posts and walls by means of aerial roots. It bears fragrant flowers in autumn followed by black berriesThis is a great plant to quickly cover unsightly structures in the garden and is easy to grow and problem free. Can be trimmed to shape and limit growth at any time of year too.
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